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The big picture

30 oktober 2017

As usual in Business Arena we will employ a top-down approach when constructing the programme of Business Arena London. We asked Sverrir Thór, economics editor at Fastighetsnytt, to comment the content of the programme for Business Arena London.

– We will start with painting the big picture of the macroeconomic situation in the Nordics, who have been the poster children of economic and political stability for a long time. After that, we will proceed to the capital market presentations made by our partner companies combined with in-depth sessions on selected topics relevant for investors wanting to invest in the Nordic property market.



During Business Arena London a seminar program with two different focus will be held:

  • Investment opportunities in the Nordic property market.
  • Investment opportunities in the UK.


  • High quality seminars, workshops and roundtable discussions.
  • One-to-one meetings with corporate leadership
  • Focus on investment opportunities in the Nordic property market and in the UK.
  • Read the short version about Business Arena London here >>

What is Business Arena?

Scandinavia’s biggest annual real estate event, Business Arena, brings together investors, top real estate professionals, local politicians and local authorities for networking, deal making and trend analysis.

With an extensive and high-class seminar programme combined with a large exhibition and generous time for networking, our genuine devotion to the urban development sector has been a driver of sector-development since 2001.

Business Arena is the most important venue to meet other partners/exhibitors, make deals and do business.


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På väg upp i år?


”Det bästa med Business Arena är att man får inspireras, lära känna massa nya människor och också träffa kompisar från förr.”
- Alexandra Laurén, vd, Bonava
”Ett tillfälle för mycket spontana möten och att mötas mellan fastighetsbolag, politiken och konsulter. ”
- Johanna Hessius, CEO & Head of Advisory Sweden, Newsec
”Det bästa med Business Arena är det personliga mötet, med både befintliga och potentiella kunder. ”
- Christian Fjordskär, försäljningschef, Värderingsdata AB
”Business Arena står för kunskap, nätverk och gemenskap. Med tanke på de stora utmaningarna som samhället i stort står för och branschen i synnerhet, så bör vi hjälpas åt att ta ansvar för samhällsbyggandet.”
- Annika Selin, vd, Forsen
